Decrease line spacing when exporting to pdf?

Test note Agenda.pdf (18.8 KB)
Test note Bear.pdf (19.0 KB)

Here, the same file with randomly generated text, inserted in both apps and exported as PDF. See for yourself. I added a couple of horizontal lines, which don’t export well. I noticed this with a couple of elements. Spacing between paragraphs should be one line. Bear handles it well, Agenda not.

On a side note, I sense a lot of hostility from your end. I think you should be glad and grateful we report something we see and think is wrong, or could be done differently / improved, not give us the “don’t bother me with your complaints” feeling. You know what, keep your app :slight_smile:

And about Bear, there’s a one month trial, it can be tested and compared against.

This is how the sample looks in Agenda, so you can finally see what I mean by 1:1 export, or What I See Is What I (Should) Get. The exported file comes with 2 lines between paragraphs.

Not really seeing a problem, other than the horizontal rules, which I agree could be better. Neither output is WYSIWYG. Neither output is exactly what you see on the screen.

There is nothing that says there should be a one line spacing between paragraphs. That is what Bear is doing, because Bear is a markdown editor. They have decided to go with this. Agenda offers more control over paragraph spacing, because it is not a markdown editor.

It would be good to bring more options for controlling output into the print panel, just like the ones that already exist for the onscreen representation. But apart from that, I think the defaults work fine, and just as good as Bear.

I use the pdf export from time to time and it looks great (I don’t use horizontal lines so can’t comment on that). I have had people telling me, unsolicited, how nice the presentation is when I’ve shared pdf notes with them.

Eye of the beholder…

Yes, there are improvements to pdf export I’d love to see, but those would be icing on the cake.

I have found the Agenda team unfailing courteous, detailed and helpful in their responses. I really appreciate that, along with the app.

There maybe some easy gains to be made by simply copying over the screen settings people have picked in the preferences for line height etc, and using those in the printing. We will see if this is possible as a short term improvement while we wait for more control, such as themes.

OK, I think I have a temporary improvement until we can get some more advanced control over printing. I have added a change that will use the line spacing/paragraph spacing settings you have in preferences for the printed output. That makes the PDF more similar to the screen. Hopefully that is better than what we had.