Czech - Čeština

Added a few styling touches to Czech, e.g., the left panel had previously “In Agenda” in Czech in lowercase “agenda”, so I corrected it (hopefully) in all related instances to “Agenda” with a capital letter.

Small cosmetic upgrade, but kinda itched. Now it should be more consistent.

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Awesome, thanks! We’ll take them along in the next update.

Will deploy a few fixes to the translation that couldn’t be spotted because they were old and didn’t show up as neeing translation, but translators in the past made a few booboos and they don’t look as they’re supposed to. The screen below is from the demo text that doesn’t help with adjusting spacing because it shows wrong. I noticed it today after I updated the app,

I’ll just remove the spacing and it should be good to go. I’ll look around and if I spot something I’ll fix it, but so far everything is dandy.

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:czech_republic: Pánové, dovolil jsem si aktualizovat slovo “Tag” tak, aby mělo český ekvivalent, protože použití slova neodpovídá české slovní zásobě - není to české slovo. Ano, mladší generace tomu může rozumět, ale abychom vyhověli širšímu publiku, které nemusí mít povědomí, prostě jsem použil vhodnější slovo “štítek”, ve smyslu označení něčeho, tedy místo “otagovat” označit.

:uk: Gents, I took the liberty of updating the word “Tag” to a more Czech-native equivalent, as the use of the word doesn’t align with the Czech vocabulary - it’s not a Czech word. Yes, the younger gen may understand it, but to cater to a wider audience that may not be aware I simply defaulted to use the correct Czech word for tagging, i.e., marking something - in that sense.

Update: We have moved from OneSky to Crowdin for translating Agenda to Czech :raised_hands: