It’s indeed not very well documented, we’ll make it more clear.
I am trying to use event-date in a template to get the following date output for a linked calendar event in my notes text.
Tuesday, 18 April 2023 at 03:00 pm
or Day, dd MMMM yyyy at h:mm a
I am defining the format as below…
\event-date(start: format: EEEE\, dd MMMM yyyy) at \time(format: hh\:mm a)
What am I doing wrong?
You would have to use:
\event-date(start: EEEE\, dd MMMM yyyy 'at' hh\:mm a)
Oh ! Realised my mistake… All works as expected now.
Thank you for the wonderful support.
Is there a way to prevent event notes or attendees (or both) from rendering alongside the template? I’m using cmd+click, Create New Note from Template… and my template just has a short outline in it. I don’t want to see anything else.
Use case: I have some meetings where I don’t care about recording the attendees but I want the Agenda note to sync to the date and time of the meeting.
You can do this by using the right placeholders, as shown here Creating and Using Templates - #4 by system, like \event-title
and \event-date
clipboard placeholders inside codeblock not working, Is this supported, if not can it be added in future releases?
Also if there is no space before the placeholder then it doesn’t work, is there a workaround for that
I think the problem with placeholders in code or preformatted text is that the placeholder may be part of the code. Code can have backslashes etc, and we generally don’t want to interpret those as actions for Agenda.
Perhaps there is a workaround. We’d have to think about it. But in general, you don’t want Agenda interpreting the code as actions.
We will consider the space issue as well.
2 posts were split to a new topic: Names instead of email address when using templates
A post was split to a new topic: Templates not working
4 posts were split to a new topic: Renaming a template