Create reminders without an alert?

Is there a way to create reminders without an alert? GoodTask has an option to create new reminders with a due time but not an alert time. I am a big fan of the \remind feature, but wish it would create reminders with only a due time and not an alert time. I want them to show up in the sidebar, but don’t need an alert at that time.

Agenda 10.0.4


You should be able to do so when creating them using the popover (after just typing \remind without anything else). Starting in Agenda v11 the app should soon remember your alarm preference, at which point it should (I believe) also use that for the \remind shortcut. Once Agenda v11 is out please give that a try and let me know if that doesn’t work.

I believe that is incorrect. Perhaps you interpreted my request as wanting all-day reminders, instead of a timed reminder? I may be missing a piece of Agenda functionality though.

My understanding is that reminders can have a due date/time as well as an alert day/time (and to make things more complex, API allows for start day/time… which I don’t personally care about).

What I’d like when doing \remind(1pm) is that it creates a Reminder with a due time of 1pm, but it doesn’t actually set an alert.

Reminder shown in GoodTask w/ alert time: (the speaker icon indicates alert)

Reminder shown in GoodTask w/o alert time:

With a due time but no alert set, Agenda shows the reminders in the list at the correct time, and it turns red when it’s overdue. But for that specific reminder, I won’t get an iOS / macOS notification.

Ah I see, think that’s a bit too detailed for the scope of Agenda. We’ll see if more people raise this issue.

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I would like to raise this issue :slight_smile:

I want to use Agenda to generate a list of all my open to-dos. There’s no easy way to do that within Agenda (I don’t want to see entire notes that contain to-dos, just the individual tasks). So, I can use Reminders quite easily. Great!

BUT: I don’t need or want an alert for every single task. I’m going to be looking at the list throughout the day and checking things off anyway, and getting too many alerts is disruptive.

In absence of a true consolidated place in Agenda to see all one’s open to-dos, Reminders is a good place to see them.

If you just want to have a way to indicate "to-do"s without specifically seeming them in the Reminders app, you could just use a #todo tag instead and create a smart overview for those. In the future we want to make it possible to see only the relevant paragraphs instead of the entire matching note indeed.

Yeah, for now it shows the entire note which makes it hard to use. Sometimes I have many paragraphs of meeting notes. A saved search that includes many long notes with various to-dos embedded within them, doesn’t do me much good.

I enter each task as a separate note. I do so for better control, integration w/OmniFocus and others but also because not being able to link to a paragraph level simply annoys me. So, I use OFs alerts and Fantastical for calendar reminders.

Of course it’s a bit dependent on the use case and granularity, but in general Agenda’s performance doesn’t scale to well with many (couple of dozens, hundreds) of single paragraph notes. Something that again depending on the use case is worth keeping in mind.

Note that reminders do link to individual points in notes, so that can provide an option for certain things.

That part is quite useful. The workaround for right now for me is to set reminders for “all day” so they don’t (I don’t think?) trigger an alert. It’s a few extra clicks and sort of annoying, though, so an easy non-alert reminder option would be great. Thanks!

Note that the \remind syntax support doing this in one go if you type:

\reminder(all-day: tomorrow)

For a complete overview see: Text Actions Cheat Sheet

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That’s helpful, but a lot to type for a single reminder. Maybe I could make it a text shortcut in the OS? Anyway, thanks!

[edit: tried making a text replacement shortcut but it doesn’t seem to work]