Could we get a really basic Apple Watch app?

Is there any update on this front? At least a basic Watch app on the pipeline?

I’m afraid we haven’t made any progress on this. We have had some false starts, but in the end, decided some other projects were more important to a wider variety of users.

If you have ideas about what an Agenda watch app should do, and how it should work, please post them. One of the problems we have is that we don’t see a really big use case for a watch app in Agenda.

Eg. Putting your whole Agenda library on the watch won’t work well. It’s too big. So what do we put there? On the Agenda? Today?

By all means post a story about how you would want to use it on the watch. May give us some new insights.

(Since this thread was active, we did add widgets to the app. Perhaps a watch app could be like the widgets. Ie show a few notes that we judge to be important. Eg. ones with dates today. Ones that have been recently edited. Perhaps ones “on the agenda”. Would that be of interest?)

Sure, so for the past 4-5 days, I adopted a new workflow.

I have one main note everyday that lists the tasks I have planned to do today and approx how much time I might take for each task. This is a checklist of tasks.

And I have time blocked activities on my Calendar (and meetings) and for each of them I create corresponding notes in advance at the beginning of the day.

My expectation from the Watch App is something like this -

On opening the app, I want to see the titles of the notes - only “Today” notes (same as the “Today” section on the main app). And I want to be able to click on each of the notes and skim through the contents. If there are checklists, I should be able to tick them off. I would also like to voice dictate from the Watch and add content to any of those notes.

I am realising even as I type this that just the content of today’s notes may potentially make the app heavy on the Watch :sweat_smile:

I understand different people use Agenda differently and have a lot of unique workflows, but at least from my perspective, the notes from “Today” makes the most sense in the Watch app.

So if I were to prioritise what I would like to see in the Watch app, it would be in this order from most important to least:

  1. Seeing the Notes that belong to “Today” (title first and probably see content on clicking on the title)
  2. Checking off tasks, if any, from each of those notes
  3. Appending more content to a note using voice.
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Thanks! Sounds a lot like what we did have in mind.

Indeed, appending is an obvious first step for editing. I do wonder how long it would be before the first customer asked why they can’t add text in the middle of the note :slight_smile:

Anyway, this has been helpful. It confirms some of the ideas we had.

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Any update here? AW Ultra with the larger screen is here.

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It’s not as high on our project list as other things, I’m afraid. Still on the list, but probably not imminent.

Note that we did add Shortcuts support to Agenda recently, which does allow you to create shortcuts that run on your watch and should allow to push things into Agenda on your phone through the watch.