Copy as image markdown lead to nested URL

Given that Agenda do not support inline picture right now. I hope I could write raw markdown of image() and copy as Markdown. But I got the actually. For example, the follow text in Agenda

Will Copy as Markdown:

Yes, we don’t support embedded images, so we don’t support markdown for images either. You can link to images just by dragging them into the app.

I do not know why format is wrong. I mean I hope
Could paste as original, But it actually paste as ![text]([url](url))

You can use [text](url) to paste a link. We don’t support the image url yet, and that explains why it recognizes the second part as a link, and messes that up. We will see how to handle this better in future, but having real image attachments should help with this quite a bit.

ok. thanks. Looking forward the inline image.