Collapsable paragraphs

Hi everybody! Agenda is a great app, and it gets better and better.
I personaly would very much appreciate a feature found in craft that I find extremely useful. It is about collapsable paragraphs so that you only a line, you click and it expands in a whole document with other collapsable parts. Extremely powerful for presenting long notes in a compact format…


It’s indeed something that has been requested quite a few times, we have some ideas in this direction. Thanks for the feedback!


It doesn’t look like this is included with Agenda 18. But as jacmichael notes about use in Craft, once you starting using this, it’s difficult to not use it. I have been checking on Agenda for a while now, there is a lot to like and I can visualize a work flow with it as the focus but I can’t see “going back” to a structure that does not include the ability to collapse indented text, attachments and images — and not the wholesale way that Bear has chosen.

It’s moving up on our to do list is all I can see at this point, thanks for the feedback