Changes to the Sample Documentation

In version 2.2, we introduced some changes to the narrative of the sample data, and are posting here to clarify the reasoning behind that.

As many of you will be aware, the sample data has an intricate story interleaved into the notes, as an “easter egg” for those who want to go puzzling. The story revolves around a small startup. The tone is clearly intended to be comical, but a few readers mistook our intention and took offense, particularly in the “Bridget Jones”-like diary project.

Our objective is to create a great piece of note taking software, not to insult people with the sample data. Though it was not our intention to create offensive material, and we clearly do not feel the material was offensive, we have decided to change it anyway, so that there can be no ambiguity.

The story is now more straightforward. Hopefully nobody will be insulted by the new version, and the changes will not detract too much from the intrigue of the original narrative.


I didn’t see the original, but I love the current one - it’s so entertaining that I didn’t at first realize how much it had actually taught me about uses for Agenda! :joy:

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