Can't remove images I dragged out of Agenda on macOS

What I did:
I’m dragging an image to save her in a note. When I export it and I use it normally. But when I want to erase her from desktop tells me I can’t because I have no rights. This thing doesn’t happen if instead of exporting it, I’m sharing it with email.
What happened:

What I expected:

Things that might be helpful to know (Agenda version, OS and model, etc):

Sorry about this. I believe I answered you already in a separate thread.

For anyone else out there with this issue:

  1. Update to our latest release
  2. To remove the file, follow the steps below…

Open the Terminal application (in /Applications/Utilities), and type these lines:

cd Desktop
chflags nouappnd "<file name here>"

Note that you need to type the name of the file, including any file extension, where you see <file name here>. Eg. Imagine I have a file called “Cat Eyes.jpg”. I would type the following

cd Desktop
chflags nouappnd "Cat Eyes.jpg"

Thanks. When do you think to resolve this problem?

The issue should already been resolved in the 5.0 update. The above instructions are for when you still have an undeletable file that was created by a prior version.