What I did: Maximize app to use it in split screen
What happened: app goes back to normal view
What I expected: to stay in split screen
Things that might be helpful to know (Agenda version, OS and model, etc): Agenda 1.3 Beta. macOS 10.13.3
What I did: Maximize app to use it in split screen
What happened: app goes back to normal view
What I expected: to stay in split screen
Things that might be helpful to know (Agenda version, OS and model, etc): Agenda 1.3 Beta. macOS 10.13.3
This probably has to do with the minimum window size Agenda requires, we’ll try to allow it to go smaller so it works in more settings in split screen.
Hello, there I am running under High Sierra.
I put first Safari in split view and then looked for the Agenda window to add on the right hand side of the screen - but was informed that Agenda does not support Split view. If I start first with Agenda (on the LH side of the screen), Safari is not availble to be added.
I guess that’s the point mekentos is making: that Agenda requires more than half the screen real estate. I have tried by hiding the project navigator on the left but then the editor pane increases in size and still taks more than half the screen.
Correct, the next update should allow for much smaller window sizes, especially if you hide the Related and/or Sidebar.
Update: Starting from version 1.4 you can resize the Agenda window to much smaller sizes, which should allow it to fit in split screen mode under more circumstances.