Can I join the Agenda Beta program?


I would like to join the macOS & iOS beta programme.

Please add me to the agenda beta testflight list if possible thanks!

I would love to participate in the beta program

I’d love yo join the beta program as well.

Please add me to the MACOS beta program, I think I was in it prior. I am in IOS and don’t want to have conflicts on version updates.

A post was split to a new topic: Beta test on Mac

Hi! I’m having a great time learning the ins and outs of Agenda! I’d love to be a part of the beta for both Mac and iOS. Thank you for building an app with such care!

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I would love to be a part of the Agenda Beta program.

Yes please!

I’d like to beta test on the Mac app. Thanks!

I’d like to beta test on the Mac app too… Thanks…

I’d love to join the Beta program for the iPad! Thank you so much for making such an awesome app!!!

I would like to be in the Agenda Beta program. Thanks!

Can I join the Agenda Beta program? Thanks

Please can I join the Beta program? Thanks.

Hello can I kindly get an invite to test agenda for iOS?

Hi, bit late to the party, only recently found your app. When space becomes available, could I get a TestFlight invite please?

Note: I am only using Agenda on my iPhone & iPad

I would love to join the beta program again, please count me in!

I wanna join the beta testing as well!

I’d like to join the beta, please