Can Agenda replace laboratory notebook?

I’ve been keeping a laboratory notebook for many years in various forms. It currently is in Markdown (for use with Jekyll static site generator). I typically make a daily entry with what I’ve done and tag it to coordinate tasks. Is this something that Agenda will do well? Does anyone else use Agenda this way?

(This is cross posted in the hopes of getting more visibility.)

I saw your original post but haven’t used a lab notebook in ~40 years. I retired from the O&G exploration industry 7 years ago and keep busy writing post project evaluation reports for the operations side. I create the full draft report in Agenda which is perfect for a chronologically correct report as well as for my own creation timeline. Spreadsheets / tables, PDFs, even Keynote are all utilized to produce most reports with links connecting it all. The Agenda project gets exported to Word, create the layout including visuals and done.
Short answer to your question is YES.

There was an app called Findings that was for this purpose. The Mekentosj team that developed Papers made it. Alexander Griekspoor who was part of that team created Agenda. The beginnings of Agenda look like they came out of Findings.

Findings is no longer developed.

Not sure if this is helpful.

Yes, Agenda was envisaged as a generalist’s version of Findings. Many of the same design concepts were brought over.

In that sense, you could use it as a lab notebook. It is flexible enough to implement many different systems and use cases.

Sorry for not crediting you on Agenda’s development as well Drew!