Callouts in Agenda

I have often used the callouts in Obsidian. I find notes created in this way very stylish. Is this also possible in Agenda?

What exactly is a callout? Is it like a hidden piece of text that appears when you click it? Ie like a note or comment that is hidden by default?

If it is, we are discussing this. Others have asked for the ability to add a comment to a note. We will see what we can do.

Callouts are a feature in Obsidian that allows you to add more organization to your notes.
Callouts give you a lot more flexibility when it comes to organizing your notes.
Anywhere that you use a blockquote, you can use a Callout instead. But Callouts are not a standard feature in Markdown.

Click here for more information:
Using Callouts in Obsidian

Sounds a lot like a note link to me. I guess the content can also be inlined in the current note, right?

We have a lot of ideas about making sections collapsible. The callout approach probably doesn’t fit in our app. Other apps are using it as a structural element, but we have other tools for that, and have more coming.

It is a special text box. They can contain text, links and also images. The content should only be highlighted visually. But ok, I’m also happy with sharing Agenda too Obsidian.

Agenda Code:

Share as markdown → Obsidian:

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Ah, OK. So it is more a styling thing. Like the way we have block quotes appear different.

Thanks for the feedback! We’ll take it along.

I can see this working well with collapsing headings - with the styled line still being visible when the lines below are collapsed. This would give a nice visual indication of what’s in the collapsed section.

I have tried to create something similar in Agenda, but I would describe the result as visually poor. With a long note with a lot of text and the possibility to collapse the heading, this note could be much clearer. Thank you

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+1 for call-out boxes, they really help in longer notes.

We have some other ways to work with long notes coming in Agenda 19 and Agenda 20. After that, we can see if there is still a need for them.

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Yes, that sounds good. :+1:t3: