Bullet Choices

Add me for proper billets. I am not a programmer so maybe I am totally wrong on this but…

Wont it just take a minimal tweak to achieve this.

What’s frustrating about this is that it’s simple to implement.
Bullets are built-in to the development framework - UITextView (6 lines of code).

I do read what people are wishing for, but the fact that people here prefer bullets over dashes doesn’t mean that everybody prefers bullets over dashes, for starters we ourselves do not. This is also why we will not just replace them. But what we do want to provide is a preference option that would allow you to change them from dashes to bullets. Now it’s not a super difficult thing to do –but definitely (in our setup) much more work than 6 lines of codes– at the moment we have some higher priority items on the list. In other words, it will come, but we have to ask more of your patience I’m afraid, sorry.


Excellent. I’m with you in everything you write. It was just that the earlier reply didn’t address what was actually being said in this thread. This is a great reply, though :slight_smile:

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I’m also surprised that a simple filled in circle is not available rather than a dash. That would certainly be my preference. By the way…I love this app!!!

I’m happy with that! Thank you, feels great to be heard!