Better Scribble Support for Apple Pencil on iPadOS 14

Now that iPadOS 14 supports Scribble for Apple Pencil, it kind of Just Works in Agenda… but does have some issues.

First, if you start a new note, the default placeholder text stays there, and your scribbled text gets thrown into the middle, which is a mess and very distracting. Maybe there’s a way to make the placeholder detect Scribble and disappear, or a better way to have a placeholder that isn’t real text?

Second, some apps (Things does this well) are able to intelligently detect where you are scribbling, and act accordingly. For instance, when you’re looking at your tasks by date in Things, if you scribble below one of the dates, it automagically gets created with that date assigned! Something like this seems like a natural fit for Agenda!

The app works great for me on iPad, and I think better Scribble support would make it even better. Thanks!

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Thanks for the feedback, we’ll do our best to further improve things.

I’m a bit surprised by this. I’m almost certain I wrote the code to hide that placeholder. Is this happening after you have been using the pencil to move through the UI? One shortcoming is that the UI needs to be able to guess you will use scribble, in order to hide the placeholder.

We also provide more space when you are scribbling in the title, or near the bottom of the note. Do you see that?

Update: We have made a number of improvements to the way the notes interact with and during Scribble input in the upcoming version 11.2 update. This should resolve the issue with the placeholder and show more consistent sizing behaviour.