What I did: I “send to Agenda” a mail from airmail
What happened: agenda opens but nothing happens
What I expected: a new note with my mail inside or a link to it
Things that might be helpful to know (Agenda version, OS and model, etc): Agenda 18.3.2, Airmail 5.6.16 Sonoma 14.3.1
Could you send a few screenshots showing the steps you take?
I use Agenda with Spark (ios and MacOs). Works most of the times, but sometimes same issue: Agenda opens but nothing happens
You say sometimes, so does that mean that it works sometimes but other times not?
Just checked:
If Agenda is open in the background with one window, export works opening a second window.
If Agenda is open with zwo windows nothing happens.
If Agenda is not open it opens but does not accept the export from Spark.
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Thanks, that’s helpful, we’ll dive into it.
If you choose “Share” it should indeed open the sharing extension as shown in the second screenshot. You say it then crashes when you select a project. Does this happen with every project or only certain ones from the list (when clicking “Scegli nota…” in the screenshot)?
The “Invia all’agenda” option should open Agenda indeed, is there not a new project created by any chance in which the shared email ends up?
YOU If you choose “Share” it should indeed open the sharing extension as shown in the second screenshot. You say it then crashes when you select a project. Does this happen with every project or only certain ones from the list (when clicking “Scegli nota…” in the screenshot)?
ME It seems only with the first project on top of the list. If I choose another one I can open a new note and inserting the mail link.
If it’s correct, I can create a project “Airmail” for saving mail links maybe.
YOU The “Invia all’agenda” option should open Agenda indeed, is there not a new project created by any chance in which the shared email ends up?
ME it opens agenda but no new project. I can create a new note but no way to link mail.
Ok, thanks for the clarification. The project that crashes, does it contain a lot of images or attachments by any chance? The problem is that the system only gives a limited amount of memory to the sharing extension, if the project is very heavy in terms of images and attachments it can go over these limits alas. In that sense the suggestion to create a dedicated project is indeed the workaround.