Backup issue

This path does not exist on my Mac OS laptop.
Please assist with my problem.
I only have the “freemium” version of the app at present, running on Big Sur 11.2.3.


The path has changed to:
~/Library/Group Containers/

Ok thanks for the info, I have found the data, but disappointed to see that there is nothing that is human readable.

Since my initial post, I have found this forum post.

Export everything with one click.

I share the concern of others in this post, in wanting to get my information out of Agenda in a human readable form.
For myself I would need Mac OS folder(s) of markdown files.
One file for each note and to also include any files embedded within each note, i.e. png, gif, pdf, as standalone files.

And to be able to do this as a one click operation.


You can get everything in one markdown file (shift select all projects in the sidebar). We plan to add the ability to have them exported as one file per project in a future update.

Ok, that’s good.
Yes shift then select groups and then File->Export etc.
As I don’t have a Premium version I can’t export to Markdown at present, taking the Sample Projects as one export, would the embedded graphics be exported as separate files?

Not at the moment, only if you choose the Rich Text with Attachments option

Ok thanks for answering my questions today.

Apologies if this is going off post.

Agenda has ticked a number of boxes for choosing a an app to use as a research log.
As such the info contained within Agenda would be personal and private, but occasionally I would want to share some of this information, hence my questions today.

Finally your ’subscription model’ is, in my view, a fair way of allowing users of the app to opt into other features, both current & for the future.

best regards

That’s very kind of you to say Gordon, very much appreciated. Also know that we hope to offer more collaboration and sharing features later this year.