Automatic light/dark mode iOS

My expectation when selecting “automatic” in the theme menu: During daytime, the active theme is “Light”, at evening and night, the theme swithes to “Dark”.
What I observe: the theme selection feels hard coded to my brightness toggle switch, which is counter intuitive to me on 2 counts:

  1. I (almost) never touch that toogle and
  2. I was expecting “automatic“ to work based on the ambient light sensor or the local sunset/sunrise times.
    Was my expectation wrong?

Thank you for a very promising productivity tool (and sketching shortcut)!
Can’t wait to get to know this app!

My expectation when selecting “automatic” in the theme menu: During daytime, the active theme is “Light”, at evening and night, the theme switches to “Dark”.

This doesn’t make much sense as you can easily be in a well-lit room in the evening, or in a dark environment (say a studio) during the day. We choose to sync with the brightness of the screen as a) this is already automatically adjusted by the ambient light sensor (as you suggested to do directly), and b) it’s very quick to adjust through pulling down the options from the top right corner of the screen, faster than introducing an additional setting in the Agenda preferences that is.

I understand.
My underlying desire would have been for the theme to serve as a discreet daytime/nighttime reminder.
Thank you for the clarification!

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I’d love a brightness slider option so WE can decide when dark mode toggles on. I find it way too aggressive now, often turning on in well-lit environments.