Audio recording and automatic transcription request

Hey, I was looking around some apps and I just remembered something: wouldn’t it be cool for agenda to have an audio recording feature incorporated into the notes? As we use it to record briefings, meetings, etc, it would make sense to have an audio recorder, possibly with the option to transcribe the text, in order for us to easily edit it and create our notes.

This is something that exists in notability and omnioutliner 3. Someone probably have already suggested it or even you guys. Anyways, looking forward the new agenda update.

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This is indeed a popular request that we hope to address in a future update. Thanks for the feedback!

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Hi, if this feature can be implemented, linking it with apple watch would be fantastic.


I would use this! Recording followed by transcription makes the best use of the (very good) native Apple transcription because it can overcome the time limitations imposed by Apple. I am making more and more use of dictation rather than typing.

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I’d highly recommend ’Just Press Record’. It records audio and will also transcribe it. You can then share both the audio and transcription to Agenda. It all works using your iCloud too so privacy is maintained. There are widgets, shortcuts and Apple Watch complications.


I actually use JPR and it’s great for getting ideas out quickly with the Apple Watch, but I find it rather cumbersome to export into Agenda. I haven’t found a quick or efficient way to do this. Each way seems to be a few steps and manual clicking.

So to move away from JPR, I just made a shortcut that dictates text straight into a note in my Inbox notebook in Agenda. Apple Watch support would just be a great addition!

Sounds interesting. I’ve tried using dictation into Agenda on iOS and Mac several times, but the Apple dictation system seems really weird - if you pause to think it switches to keyboard among other annoyances. Does your shortcut overcome this?

I don’t know that the shortcut itself overcame it, but whatever updates Apple seemed to make in the latest updated seemed to help a good bit. It filters out noise and I felt like I had more chance to pause and more accuracy when I did than JPR. It also does auto punctuation which I found much more useful than JPR.

It’s certainly not perfect but taking a lot of steps in the right direction IMO