Hi, I wondered if there was a reason that I can’t assign a person in a note title? A lot of my notes are going to be titled, “Telehone call with [Person]” or “Meeting with [Person]” and it seems a shame that I have to then duplicate the person’s name somewhere within the body to be able to assign them.
Am I missing something or is this a use-case that I am alone in potentially finding useful?
Do requests like this get added to a list of feature requests somehow? I am admitredly new to Agenda but want to use it to take notes from 1:1 meetings with people in my team, and tagging their name in the note title seems logical but doesn’t work yet (so like the OP I have to have their name twice).
We do internally keep track of the more frequent requests indeed. Besides that posts like these act as a way to indirectly monitor how popular a request is. Unfortunately to support tags and people in the title is technically not trivial at the moment and therefore hasn’t got a high priority compared to some more frequently requested features and/or ones that are easier to add.
Thanks @mekentosj that’s really helpful feedback – knowing that it is not likely to come soon helps me think about how I want to use the app without wondering if it’s “coming soon”. I appreciate it.