Apple Intelligence vs Little Formatting Dot

The Apple Intelligence feature and the small (orange) formatting dot to the left of a block when writing a note appear to be at odds.

I recently typed a line and wanted to change its formatting by pressing the dot on the left side. However, when I highlight a line and hover over it, the Apple Intelligence little swirly logo appears as an overlay, covering the dot. Consequently, this essential method of accessing numerous Agenda features is being obscured by the Apple Intelligence pop-up logo.

I would appreciate any suggestions for a workaround, fix, or necessary actions to restore the original functionality without the need to disable Apple Intelligence.

Yes, they do occupy the same place, but the Apple Intelligence control usually arrives later, so you can access the dot.

The formatting dot has always been there, since the launch in 2018. It’s not new.

It’s unfortunate that Apple’s control covers ours, but I haven’t had too much trouble in practice.

There is also a menu: View > Show Formatting Palette.

You can also scroll a bit and separate the two! Not ideal but…I’m on a Mac, not sure about iOS.