While I can Sort my projects within a category, the projects that are listed as Archived are not and have no ability to do so and I have to manually move them around. Am I missing something? Thanks.
Hmm, I just tested, and I was able to reorder some archived projects on macOS.
Are you on macOS?
Yes on MacOS, I have about 30 projects in a category and about 30 archived. When I select “Sort Projects Aplphabetically”, the active projects do sort, but the “archived” projects do not.
Ah, I see. Yes, that may be the way it was built. I have a feeling the archived projects can only be manually ordered.
We’ll take along your request. Thanks!
+1 for adding sort feature for archived projects.
My list of Archived projects keeps growing over time and so far, they seem to be randomly ordered. When occiasionally looking for Archived projects, it would help a lot if they could be sorted alphabetically and/or based on the time that they were added to the archive.
Thanks for the feedback! We’ll see what we can do.