Allow iOS widget to select any of our projects or overviews

I make use of the widgets all the time. But I would love to be able to select basically any view of my notes - projects or overviews. For example, one of my overviews is designed to show all of my goal notes based on a few criteria (shout out and thanks to the latest search improvements!), but I’d love a widget that will show me that list and also take me straight to that overview when I tap it. Is this on the roadmap to allow more specific selection options in the widgets?

Unfortunately due to the way widgets work internally it’s quite difficult to make dynamic overviews work with widgets alas :frowning:

As an alternative solution, I recommend using the saved overviews as shortcuts.
Simply click on “Add to Siri …” and save with the appropriate voice command.
The shortcut can then also be placed on the home screen as an app.
Perhaps this workaround will help for now.

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