Agenda for Web

Just in case no one has seen this, it seems pertinent to the conversation.

Just chiming in. I would immediately purchase a lifetime subscription for my wife and I if there was a web app version. I have to be windows based for my job and it was a stretch for me to purchase the app and be forced into this ecosystem as I’m a new iPhone user. I very may well go back to android and cringe at the thought of losing this data or moving my workflow. I also don’t think this single app would be the reason I stick with a phone provider. An HTML 5 version would allow cross platform use and greatly enhance userbase IMO, even at a reduced integration functionality.

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A web app would certainly be nice, but it is an enormous amount of work. Basically rewriting the whole app in web tech, and then hosting everyone’s data in the cloud.

One thing that we could do much more easily is to allow mirroring of your data on a Mac in a folder as markdown. You could put the folder in Dropbox or similar, and access it via other devices. Edits made to the markdown would be reimported on the Mac.

Would this solution satisfy your need? Or is nothing short of a full web copy of Agenda viable for you?


Being on multiple platforms, a web app of sorts would be perfect for me.

I use iOS, Linux at home and a bit of Windows on occasion.

Honestly this solution to have notes synced with a folder in online drive would be my preference.
The beauty of this set up is the inherent simplicity of markdown documents which can be easily edited and viewed in other apps as well, as needed. Devonthink database linking, ability to edit in text editors, etc.
I see a LOT of potential for powerful workflows and would love to see this in a future release.


That’s a good one. Being able to edit content in your markdown app of choice is neat. I have a pretty simple markdown app that I wish I could use with Agenda.
However, Agenda is not a markdown app. That means it would require a workaround for this idea to happen.

To have something as beautiful as agenda open markdown and for me importantly open a vault/directory in Dropbox would be amazing.