So I posted that I would really like to see tables supported in Agenda. I had stated that I use Agenda for managing my Dungeons and Dragons campaign. I basicaly use Agenda to manage all of my notes and drafts before publishing them out to a blog I run for my campaign SIDEBAR: The blog itself uses a project called Hugo and is deployed via AWS Amplify, but essentially is a collection of markdown files with TOML frontmatter. Anyway…
So I manage projects in agenda that are mapped to projects in github for this particular project
Here is what my workflow is like…
I get an idea, I capture it really quick in a note and apply a hashtag to it based off the idea or type of note.
I save an overview of those things and keep it loosely related. For instance I am doing some world building and want to be able to reference notes from an NPC that I created or a Location I had a rough idea about. I can do that on the fly as I think it makes sense during the course of the game.
Whenever we sit down to play I open up a new note and as things are happening I am taking notes about how the players are interacting, interesting ideas I hear them say, or if they do certain things that may affect the world, I can build a more vibrant world and a more captivating story that makes it feel inter-related.