Agenda + Alfred search

I’m trying to create a search shortcut in Alfred for Agenda. I created a shortcut for “agenda://search/{query}” which partially works. The problem is that it only search the current focused project rather than searching all projects. Is there another URI to use?

“agenda://searchAll/{query}” or something??

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Found the answer to my question…


Perfect, good to hear you found it already.

Cool. Can you make this available somehow as a downloadable workflow?

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This is a fantastic idea

To set up Agenda search in Alfred, do the following:

  1. Go to Alfred app preferences
  2. Go to the Features tab
  3. Click “Add custom search” in the bottom of the list
  4. Fill out search URL with: agenda://x-callback-url/open-search?query={query}
  5. Title and Keyword with “Agenda”
  6. Click save