I created the following shortcut that allows you to add a reminder from a checklist, with the first item being the main reminder and the itens below it, subtasks. My goal with it is to manage projects in agenda and split this project in tasks that are sent to reminders. To sync both, just drag the reminder at the calendar to the main reminder in your note.
It works like the screenshots below:
You must highlight your text, share and click the shortcut. On a mac, right click, go for services > shortcut. It will then create a reminder, with the provided date (can be in natural language) and its nested itens as subtasks.
I’m facing some issues and sharing it here before it is finished to get some contribution:
You can’t add a reminder without due date in the text. If it has no date, the reminder won’t work. I tried adding an If… statement, but can’t define the condition as “text (main-item) contains any date. An easier option is to remove that step and it be configured manually later in the reminders app itself. I have a shortcut that works this way.
I can’t remove the date of the main reminder, so it keeps just the title.
Lists are added upside down.
Any help is welcome! Mainly the issue with lists being added upside down, lol.
I’m facing some issues and sharing it here before it is finished to get some contribution:
You can’t add a reminder without due date in the text. If it has no date, the reminder won’t work. I tried adding an If… statement, but can’t define the condition as “text (main-item) contains any date. An easier option is to remove that step and it be configured manually later in the reminders app itself. I have a shortcut that works this way.
Unfortunately we don’t support these kind of reminders yet indeed, we’ll do our best to allow that in a future update.
I can’t remove the date of the main reminder, so it keeps just the title.
Note sure what you mean exactly with that, you mean that it would replace the text “tomorrow 9 am” in your example?
Lists are added upside down.
Unfortunately the shortcuts app doesn’t have a feature to flip the order of the repeat-with-each shortcut indeed, not sure if someone has found a clever way of achieving this, worth googling perhaps.
Thanks @mekentosj
For the first issue, I really don’t expect this to be an agenda feature because it is something shortcuts should have. An option is to add every possible way to write a date in a text action like this:
today|tomorrow|(regex stuff like “in \d minutes, in \d hours”)|in x months, etc.
If the main reminder contains any of these, it should match and replace the matched text for nothing.
Yes, that’s what I meant. An option is using the above as a condition to match text. I just need to make sure every possible content is passed. One issue I found lies on the fact that text actions don’t seem to understand date formats such as dd/mm/yyyy.
That’s unfortunate but I’ll post this question on a reddit forum about siri shortcuts to look for help.
The whole idea is to completely manage projects with both apps. This shortcut can send chunks of tasks to reminders. Another shortcut will check which itens have been accomplished, generate a text with this information, append to the agenda text and send to gpt with a prompt asking to generate a new text. This new text should remove completed subtasks, (or the whole reminder if everything was accomplished), generate a new one with remaining stuff, details of the project and new tasks, that could be a gpt suggestion or dictated instructions, depending on what is said.