X-callback-url Support and Reference

Version 9 of Agenda. Next week we will release Agenda 7.0 alongside iOS13, on the 30th of September we will release Agenda 8.0 alongside the iPadOS update. The update following these will be Agenda 9.0 and contain the new callbacks. We do expect to be able to ship the update quite quickly after the 30th.

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Well, that answers that. I was waiting for 6.1,6.2 or maybe 6.3. But I’ll take 9.0!

Our system is to update the major number when a new premium feature is added. Apple’s odd release schedule this year means that what would have been one release is now two (7.0 and 8.0). We have to stagger the update for the iPadOS release.


Does this mean that pencil support is not in the TestFlight version of today?

Correct, it will be the moment Apple has fixed the issue that lets us target pre-iOS13.1 devices with apps that containing PencilKit, a known bug at the moment.

It would be great to have this! I’m also trying to automate my daily notes and todos using both Shortcuts and Alfred, so I’m trying to make “create a note if it doesn’t exist and then append to it” flow work, too.

So far, I’m able to open websites as @wannesm does using x-error, but sending another Agenda callback url in x-error does not trigger Agenda again. Tried many different things, including encoding the url, no joy.

I just did a little testing. I used this URL:


The create-note part is missing arguments, so should fail. The x-error should then call back into Agenda to show “On the Agenda”.

This seems to work for me on both iOS and macOS. Admittedly I was using the latest beta.

Does it work for you?


To follow-up on my earlier comment. I solved it by using Martin Finke’s xcall to coordinate the callbacks on macOS (in a Python script).

On iOS I use the Scriptable app for this.

I didn’t get the url to create a note if it does not exist to work (it appears that it loses some arguments because it does return to Agenda but then does not create a new note). But as said before, for me it’s not an issue anymore because I use a second program to catch the callbacks before sending a new command to Agenda. Quite happy with the current setup

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Hm. Doesn’t work for me. Opens Agenda but where I left it, not “Today”.

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Thanks for picking this up, it should be fixed in the next beta round.


Quick Update: This should now be fixed in v9 build 95

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Not yet arrived. Will test then.

Update: We’ve just added support (in version 9) the ability to use x-callback-urls to open saved overviews:

As well as to open the search with an (optional) query to be searched for:


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Can we please get some way to retrieve a note and attachments from a shortcut so we can use them in other apps? command: get-note, parameter: title, parameter: identifier, passes the note text and a list of encoded attachments as the x-success callback,

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Yes, read-access to your library through x-url-callbacks is something we’d like to add in a future update indeed.


Just because I’m getting ready to rewrite/optimize a few Shortcuts, I thought I would check in: is it yet possible to create projects via x-callback-url?



Alas not yet, we’ll do our best to add a create-project call in a next update.


That would be pretty amazing. With how organizable the sidebar is now, I like the idea of having a reference system in Agenda that mimics my action structure in OmniFocus.

Creating projects in each at the same time and with complementary structure is pretty appealing.

Appreciate the fast response!



Please add modern shortcuts option. Instead of x-callback URLs.
I’m looking towards Agenda as a replacement for Things 3.

There are already some basic shortcuts. Whenever you do something in Agenda, we pass that to Siri, and later, Siri can suggest it to you.

We have someone working on more advanced shortcuts right now. Stay tuned!