Using Agenda as a student

I am starting my Master’s and would like to use Agenda to track my assignments, reading and notes for all my courses but am a bit perplexed as to how to organize the folders (projects).

Does anybody have a model that they would be willing to share? Thanks in advance.



Perhaps this might help, Marie?

(Wish I could be a student only to use Nebo for long-form notes, Drafts for editing with Critic Markup, Agenda for sequentially storing them and Mazec for short-form updates to them.)

Good luck :wink:!

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I use it for my legal practice. I create projects for each client and keep a running tab of work product and communications that way. Much easier than paper or saving it in word. Plus, I can search for files much more quickly.

Perhaps you can create categories by classes (or semester) and then open projects accordingly.

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Here’s a possiblity off the top of my head…

  • One project per class.
  • A tag for lecture notes where each note’s title is the date.
  • A tag for assignments. Each assignment gets a note. Use checklists. When you’re done, mark the note as “done”. Calendar feature could be very useful here.
  • Take items off the agenda as they become irrelevant.
  • Have a saved search for assignments.