The case against (gasp!) Apple Pencil support

Thank you for this thoughtful piece and happy to hear you liked a lot of what Drew mentioned. When it comes to Apple pencil support, it’s clear that this term seems simple but this is misleading. First, it means a lot of different things to a lot of different people, as evident from the 126 replies in the Apple Pencil Topic. Second, it has a lot of different parts, it’s not just a single feature that we build and ship, then it’s done. It can be anything from a simple doodle up until full blown handwriting recognition.

To us a few things are obvious:

  1. people would really like to see pencil support (again, 126 replies), and it’s clear to us that it has a place in the app

  2. it will be an ongoing effort to bring support, slotted in between other developments, each time prioritised depending on how important we believe it’s addition would be. This also depends on the unknown of what Apple brings in future OS updates that could make us decide to bring certain features forward or push them back in our development schedule.

  3. there’s no need to worry it means we won’t add anything else while we also add pencil support, we have a lot of exciting things queued up that I will be working on while Drew is working on the first basic pencil support.