New sort features

Hi, @drewmccormack!

I’m a little confused here. Chronological sorting is exactly what I’m asking for, and is why I’m really excited about Agenda. Agenda does this sorting automatically and brilliantly — but not if I screw up.

Agenda does give me the ability to assign a note to a different date — so if I want to retcon a new note to yesterday, or last month, or last year, it handles it with aplomb.

But if I create a note now (at 09:23) that really should have been created two hours earlier (at 07:23), it will sort to its creation date/time (09:23), and I have no way of telling it that it really “belongs” to 07:23.

@mekentosj followed up with me about this yesterday here:

and I responded with an example situation which may make it clearer to you:

@mekentosj pointed out that notes are manually sortable within a project, and I see that this does work. I haven’t experimented enough with this to know yet how well this manual sorting “sticks” across synced platforms and multiple launchings and quittings of Agenda. If that manual sort is retained permanently, this is a perfectly acceptable work-around. But I would suggest that letting us assign a date/time rather than just a date is both more intuitive and easier for the user than having us assign a date and then using the completely different approach of clicking and dragging in order to simulate an assigned time.

Does this make more sense? For to me it almost feels like I’ve embraced the point of Agenda too much, rather than missing its point.