Grammarly integration

Firstly I’d like to thank the @Agenda team for such a fantastic app. @Agenda has really helped me to articulate my thoughts, effectively organise and lead meetings on an on-going basis and as such, has provided incredible utility to me and my team.

Unfortunately, I am terrible when it comes to grammar and punctuation. I was wondering if there is a chance you would be willing to look into 3rd party integration with Grammarly.

If you are unaware, Grammarly is an online service that quickly and easily makes your writing better and makes you sound like a pro, or at least helps you avoid looking like a fool.

I believe that this integration would be incredibly powerful when the @Agenda team adds the ability to link to office documents in future releases of @Agenda.

Thank you for your time!


Thanks for the feedback!

There should be support via the Edit menu from Apple. Maybe you can try that.

If you want to use a web service, my advice would be to prepare the text in the browser, and simply copy the result into Agenda. Not perfect, but perhaps OK for now.

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+1 for the ask but I know it’s a non-tivial ask.

Grammarly only supports integration with the windows version of Outlook and Word and not even the Mac version so I don’t envision this ask happening anytime soon. :cry:

  • 1 for the ask as well. It will be extremely helpful to say in-app rather than switching to browser or grammerly app back and forth
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Agenda is great for capturing notes, indenting, and basic formatting - and I prefer to do it in, instead of in another app (like browser, Word, etc.) Often, once I am ready with the note-taking, I copy-paste the text in another application - like Jira, Salesforce, etc… where Grammarly finds issues in the text and allows corrections. Still, then you are faced with not so nice dilemma:

  1. fix the issues in the web-app (e.g. Jira) and leave the text in “unfixed” or
  2. copy-paste the already fixed text from the browser to - but then you have to again fix your formatting in the Agenda

I don’t like either of the options; thus, having in-app integration with Grammarly would be super helpful.

As of 2020, Word for Mac has integration with Grammarly already.

Thanks for the feedback!

+1 on this as well.

How can this flow be optimized? How can Agenda become a source of truth for all notes?

I’m a +1 on this too. Grammarly seems a perfect companion to Agenda and it does have wider OSX integration these days?

The MacOS Grammarly desktop app works in Agenda for me. Have you downloaded the latest version?

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