Focus mode

Dying for this. I would love to be able to just take a single note full screen, and then back out to the list.

I’m a new user, but wanted to add an aspect to this discussion that I’ve not seen mentioned yet.

I’d really like to have a “show only the text of this note” option - so hiding the sidebars and other notes. I work for multiple clients and want to avoid one client seeing anything to do with others on my screen, e.g. calendar entries, project names etc.

We definitely have ideas in this direction and would like to allow such a feature, it’s a common request/issue people have.

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Also like the option to focus on a single note. My use case is to hide my other notes when using Agenda to write meeting notes. My other notes may contain confidential information that I may not want other meeting participants to see.

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Oh ya. This I would love!

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Agreed. Focus mode would be lovely. Just let us open a single note full screen and work on it without all the other clutter.


This would be very helpful when summarizing books and journaling. I use Agenda on my iPad in split screen mode with Kindle. I write down my notes while reading, and this mode would help me focus and would make it less scattered sice all the other notes are showing in a timeline style.

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I too want to vote for focus mode,ideally paragraph and one sentence. And typewriter mode, where the active sentence always remains centered. I really love the app and have now moved from Evernote to Agenda.


I very much want this too!

I would really like to have this as well. I enjoy writing in this app its already has a minimalist feel. I think allowing the focus mode would be a good fit.

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I 100% agree. This is my favorite feature of IA Writer.

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Hello there.

Focus mode is must-have feature for note taking app for time being. It’s distraction free and hides other notes while making a new note. It’s useful specially during meetings, wherein others shouldn’t see your notes. Please, add this feature. Waiting. Good luck!

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my workaround for the time being is to add a #focus tag to notes I want to focus on

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+1 for the focus mode here also.

When I have to write a longer text than a simple note, but that I need that note to be in Agenda (because Agenda is awesome at handling time and project management stuff) I find myself writing in IA Writer (better at handling writing), then exporting the file in Markdown format, and then importing the file in Agenda… If I could focus directly in a UI that would feel a little like IA Writer, my usage of Agenda would cleary be upgraded.

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I think I’ve asked for focus mode in the past, but now it doesn’t much concern me. Once the sidebars are closed, and my note is more than a few paragraphs long, So notes above and below are off screen, it’s pretty much like focus mode.

Though a single command to hide both sidebars, rather than having to close each separately, would be helpful.

Is there any progress on Typewriter mode?



Holy Molly…four years and still no focus mode ! I hope the developers read this…please make it available for those who want to use it. Rest can continue with their usual workflow

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Yes, we hear you. With auto-completion out of the way in Agenda 14, it’s one of the items next on our list.


My friends please realize that focus mode is an essential part of a note taking app. quite frankly this should not have been in just the “top of the list”, it should have been in the core features since 2018 but we kept trusting it would come.

now with Obsidian allowing pop out windows with the upcoming beta 15 im being convinced that agenda just isnt as exciting as it used to be.

If there was a custom way to remove everything through css then this wouldnt be a problem. but Agenda doesnt allow that.

I understand the difficulty with shared notes, better search results, and even pop out windows for notes. but i dont see that same difficulty to just hide everything and make it focused.

If its because the designer cant make it happen then there needs to be a meeting to see why this has taken 4 years.

It hurts me to say this but even though i have premium ending in 2023 for mac and ios i still see myself far from using Agenda as of today because i NEED focused mode.