Export *everything* with one click

On iOS it’s only possible to export a project or the selected notes.

Could you add an option on iOS to export multiple and/or all projects?

Unfortunately there’s no real top level menu option/UI, like the menu bar on macOS that would be a logical place to put such options, we’ll think about it.

hey @mekentosj ! i tried finding an export tool in OS but im not finding it. Could you provide a screenshot of where it can be found in OS or iOS?

On macOS the export options are under the File > Export As menu, in the save dialog it also allows selecting what to export (selected note, project, etc) and granularity (per note, per project, all in one file).

On iOS you find the export option for a project/overview in the menu that shows when tapping the three orange dots next to the selected sidebar item name, and in the gear menu of a selected note.