Can I join the Agenda Beta program?

Hi, I would love to be part of the beta program if possible. Thank you

Hello! I would like to help with betas. Thank you.

Hi , I am interested in macOS and IOS Agenda beta too!

Please add me to the TestFlight!

Can you give me access to the beta program for iOS please?

Would you mind adding me to the Agenda beta for iPadOS?

Hello can I join the beta as well?

I’d love to join the Test Flight list!


can I rejoin the beta testing?

I am interested in the IOS testpilot as well.

Hi, I would like to participate in the iOS beta.

I’d love to join the TestFlight beta for iOS, iPadOS, and MacOS if possible!

I would love to be part of any beta testing you guys do.


I’m currently using iPhone 14,13,12 all Pro Max, iPad Pro 4th gen, iPad Pro M1 5th gen and my MacBook Air M1.

All of my devices are on my dev account using the newest dev beta ios 16.2 (a) for my iPhones/iPads with my Mac being on macOS beta software newest.

I would like to join your beta TestFlight for either iOS or macOS or both if you have any spare slots?
Many thanks,

Could I rejoin the beta please.

Can you please add me also to the beta for Mac OS? Since today it’s not possible for me to sync between iPad and my MacBook Pro because I#ve updated my iPad version to 17.0 :wink:

I would like to rejoin the beta as well :slight_smile:

I’d love to help testing an iOS version too.
Because Mac I am now using the latest beta version 17, I am prompted in IOS that I need to upgrade to the new beta version to reduce database conflicts :wink:

Can I be added to iOS Beta list? Thanks.

Yes, it would be nice to be added to the iOS beta so I could sync with my laptop. No worries if that’s not possible, I knew what this was when I accepted the macOS testing invitation.