Can I join the Agenda Beta program?

Please add me to the beta, thanks!

Please add me to ios and ipad betas. Thank you.

Please add me to the betas. Waiting on impending fix for Markdown text export that broke my most used shortcuts with Agenda. Thanks!

Would also love an invite to the iOS and macOS betas. Thanks!

I got the new 9.0 beta version for mac, but hoc can I join the IOS beta?? Thanks

Is there a download link for the macOS v9 beta somewhere?

Here are the release notes for the macOS and iOS version 9 update.

Hi again, I have problem with my beta access on ios. So can I join again?

Please add me as an iOS beta tester. Thanks!

@pjaniszewski, @mike28 Both of you are registered as iOS testers already, it should be enough to install the TestFlight app, log in with your Apple ID and download again the latest beta.

Hey. Can I get added to the TestFlight setup for iOS and iPadOS, please?


Found the invitation and redemption code. Thanks!

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Could you please invite me as well? Thanks!

Would like to help testing as well

Can I please get an invitation for iOS Beta testing?

I would like to have an Beta Account to test iOS and OS X Version

Iā€™m interested in iPadOS beta program. Thanks.

Hello, would be grateful if I can join iOS & iPadOS beta programme. Many thanks :blush:

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I would like to join the beta program for Agenda.

I would like to help out at the beta. Thank you