Can I join the Agenda Beta program?

Hi, I previously asked to be invited for iOS maybe back in Feb or March but haven’t heard anything. I have been invited on macOS but am waiting for iOS invitation for iPhone and iPad so I can try them all. Thanks!

Please add me to testflight !

I would like to be part of the iOS beta

It seems you installed the 6.0 build earlier today?

Please can I request to join the iOS Beta program. I’m using the MacOS version multiple times daily and really enjoying the workflow. I would like to continue with both MacOS and iOS betas. PS I am also a regular user of Papers which is how I found out about Agenda.

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Please could I be added to the iOS Beta. I think I accidentally clicked ‘stop testing’. Loving the Reminders integration on the MacOS and would like to sync with iPad and iPhone. THanks

I’ve resent the invite

Hi, I am now a beta tester on Mac and I would to be tester on IOS too. Thanks Yvan

Please add me to the TestFlight program. Thanks!

Can I try beta?

Hi, I would greatly appreciate an invitation to beta test. I have iPhone XS Max and MacBook Pro.

I would like to join the iOS Testflight beta, whenever you’re inviting more people. Thanks!

+1 for TestFlight please (iOS) :+1:t3:

Would love to be invited to the beta on IOS, updated on macOS but cannot use it on iOS due to incompatibilities. Thank you.

iOS 13 and macOS Catalina user here. I would love an invitation to the beta :heart_eyes:

Please sign me up for the beta. Cannot use iOS version after updating Mac.

Hi, would like to beta test on the iPad.


Please add me to the IOS beta testing. i am using the Mac beta version and i was very interested in the linkages to the reminder app. Since the new beta came out for Mac I have been having probelms with my iPhone app. So could i please be added to the Beta for IOS. Thank you.

This is a very innovative way to record notes. It has so many applications in the work that i do.


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Please add me to the iOS beta testing. Thanks.