Use IBM Notes Calendar in Agenda

At work, we have to use IBM Notes for Mail/Calendar/Contacts etc.
Unfortunately, the Notes Calendar is not a native MacOS Calendar which can be used by Agenda as far as I know.
There is the one workaround to use my iphone which via certificate is synced to the calendar. In iOS Agenda, I can then create a note based on a calender entry. This is synced back to the mac and I can start editing.

That is a tedious workaround and it would be much more straight forward to have the IBM Notes calendar also visible/usable on MacOS Agenda.

Would anyone have a hint that could make my life easier here? I’m sure we’re not the only ones with this issue…

thank you very much & Keep on going like this - Agenda is my day-to-day partner since almost a year!!

I am using a Shortcut (former workflow) on iOS to copy over the Notes calendar to a iOS calendar and use that one then within Agenda.

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Excellent - that worked for me very well after all.
Thanks you for the advice!

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