

I am back on to Agenda after leaving it a while ago to try Notion, Bear and org-mode. As an old emacs user I really like org-mode, but find that I want to have stuff more available on iOS devices.

I’ve also used Sorted, a very neat app for iOS and also MacOS. Very easy to scedule/reschedule and cross off tasks and calendar events.

But Agenda has better integration, so I’m starting to use it again instead of org-mode and Sorted. Also re-enabled Premium to get templates, \date, \time etc.

Now my request: I recently started using timeslotting to set up my day in blocks, and I kind of like it. I am a developer. I use blocks of 52 and 17 minutes, as described here: 52-Minute Work, 17-Minute Break is the Ideal Productivity Schedule

Now, I quickly set up the blocks with lisp in emacs, inputting a time, like 07:45, to get output like this (snippet after copy-paste to Agenda):

◎ 07:45 - 08:37
◎ 08:56 - 09:48
◎ 10:07 - 10:59
◎ 11:18 - 12:10
◎ 12:29 - 13:21
◎ 13:40 - 14:32
◎ 14:51 - 15:43
◎ 16:02 - 16:54

I’ve got the beta version 11 of Agenda, and see that I have \date and \time available. That is nice, but I need to enter a start time that may already has passed, since I may have been procrastinating, so that printing the list of blocks was not the first thing I did on this day. Maybe I started reading email etc. So I am already into the first block.
Secondly I need to do something like \time(07:45+52) and so on.

Is this possible? Or do I need to try Text Expander to make this work? Otherwise I can keep copy-pasting from emacs, it is not a major hassle. But it would be nice to type ttslots and voila! :slightly_smiling_face:


I wrote an action in Drafts (which is another very useful tool) which makes a list of timeslots like I decribed and fills it into a new note in Agenda via a callback URL. So that solves it for me, it works in both iOS and MacOS.

Welcome back Robert, and indeed, my suggestion would have exactly been that, to see if x-url-callbacks would be a good option instead of templates per se (you can even combine the two btw, use x-url-callbacks to create notes from a template but where the placeholder is replaced by what you provide in the url callback.

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