The order of notes in a project

I hope the order of items (agenda page) can personalized by date-time

Now the order is like:
things in after few days are on the top
Things on tomorrow are on the bottom

I’d like to have things about happening is more critical for me; so I hope i can change the order of agenda by date (a-z)

From Dates, Events, and Reminders


Sorting Order

Notes that include dates are kept in chronological order. Notes without a date can be dragged to any position within the project. By default, notes with a date are ordered from newest to oldest, but that can be changed on a per project basis.

To change the sort order of a project on macOS you can choose the options under Sort Notes by from the View menu. On all platforms you can also:

  1. Click/tap on the project to select it in the sidebar.
  2. Click/tap the project title at the top of the list of notes.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the popover, if needed.
  4. Click/tap the menu item Sort with Earliest Date First

Notes without a date will maintain their position relative to notes with a date.