The issues we are fixing right now…

Here’s a list of issues in Agenda we’re currently working to fix, we will do our best to get these in the next update but sometimes an issue can take longer to fix and it can be difficult to tell when it will arrive. We can however tell you we are committed to getting it fixed:

Performance while, scrolling, editing and undo

Some are experiencing slowdowns of the app when editing or scrolling text large notes (especially with long lists). Update: Agenda 14 and 15 bring major performance improvements in the text editor :tada:

Better handling of notes with attachments

One known bottleneck of performance is if you add many images to your notes, it will make scrolling less smooth and can take longer to load a project. We have started tackling these issues and expect to bring significant improvements a future update. Update: Agenda 14 introduced big improvements to attachment handling in terms of performance and memory use :sparkles:

Agenda links break when moving a note to a different project

Due to the way Agenda stores your notes on a per-project basis, currently an Agenda link will break the moment you will move a note to a different project (as it will receive a different identifier). Proper “permalink” behaviour is something we’d like to guarantee for Agenda links, and we’d like to address this shortcoming in a future update. Update: In Agenda 9.0 and higher links will continue to resolve also after a note is moved to a different project. :partying_face:

What if my issue is not yet on this list? Are you not going to fix it!?

We’re keen to fix all issues. So if it’s not on the list we will do our best to still fix it ASAP. This list is just to cover the main items that have been mentioned and to save you from reporting it too. Of course we’re also listening to your feedback and adding additional and missing features.

We would like to thank everyone for their continued support and feedback. We’re very sorry if you are experiencing an issue with Agenda. We are keen to solve it as quickly as possible!

Alex & Drew

Note that you can’t comment on this thread. If you experience issues or would like to tell us about a feature you’d like to add, please continue to do so. However, always check first if the issue has been mentioned already or whether it appears in the Frequently Asked Questions.