Support Bullet Journal Features

Bullet Jounal ( is a great mehod of taking notes I’m using. Although it’s orginally made for paper notes, but people have found that it also works well in Bear or Evernote, etc.

Is it possible to enrich the checklist feature? Not just using two status to-do or done to mark notes, but also using cancelled, delayed to tomorrow and re-arranged.


We have some ideas about that sort of functionality. For now you could perhaps use tags to do it.

Thanks for the feedback!

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Also make sure to check out this talk article:

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I just downloaded Agenda 30 minutes ago and as I’m reading about the ways to use it it occurred to me that this could replace my Bullet Journal. Or at least some aspects of it. Thanks for the tips!


Agree I have always grappled with a sytem to record items, actions and events that have been done in the past and when, and have tried bullet journals a few times and always fallen off the wagon.

I now use Omnifocus 3 for future actions, Agenda to record past actions , items and Events(Journal) and Devonthink to archive. All of them synced from MAC to iPhone to cater for travelling

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