Reminders Tags

Hi all!

Thinking a lot about how well Agenda integrates with Reminders, and wondering if there is a way to set Reminders tags when using \remind? That would be something very useful for helping me oganize smart lists and content for future review.




I think the idea would not be as much to add tags in addition to a reminder clock icon, but rather make reminders a property you could search for and/or create smart overviews for. In that sense they would then become a kind of β€œtag” indeed.

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Or that! In this case, I was thinking tags native to the Reminders tags (that are seen in the Reminders app).

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Hi Scotty. It seems there is no access to those for 3rd party apps. Seems to be private to the Reminders app :frowning:

Well then I like @mekentosj’s approach all the more then :joy:

Thanks so much as always for the speedy answers!


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