Reminder and Today

What I did:I create reminders inside, See Screenshot attached below. And no notification!expected of course!


What happened:the notes don’t show in Today’s list, but only in the calendar on the side, which I would expect. Can I change that? Also second issue, See the Screenshot attached (wrong categories appear below my notes strangely!)

What I expected:

Things that might be helpful to know (Agenda version, OS and model, etc.):Mac and iPad, Premium account (I log inside agenda with my Apple ID, same email as my login here in the community. But whenever I try with Apple ID it doesn’t work, says to contact administrator. I emailed you about this other issue but not solved. )

HI Anne-Marie,

Notifications for Reminders are something set up and managed by the Reminders app, not Agenda.

Regarding the Today’s list, this is populated by whether a date has been assigned to a note (the calendar icon in the top right corner of a selected note, or alternatively by typing for instance \today). In other words the overviews in the sidebar work on the basis of linked events or assigned dates at the note level, while reminders are part of the text within a note, they work at the text level.

We do hope to offer more options down the road when it comes to creating overviews based on parts of the text.