“New Note” button

I’m increasingly using templates - really useful! However, it would be great if I could set the option for the ‘plus’ button to open a dialogue with options to create a ‘plain’ or ’template’ note.

I keep forgeting to right click, and then have to delete the plain note and start again.

As I passing by, I suddenly came up with an idea so left it.

Even if accidentally left-clicked, it would be good to use the template selection text shown in an empty note.

스크린샷 2020-11-24 오후 6.31.53

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Don’t think we’ll do this as it introduces another step for those not using templates or wanting to create a normal note. Likewise we don’t like to add options and checkboxes in the preferences unless really important.

Note however that the menu is not only shown with a control/right click, but also (and actually primarily advertised as such) when you click/tap and hold the plus button, meaning that if you realize in time it’s just a matter of not releasing the mouse button.

Alternatively you can use the File menu, instead of the plus button.


Put it under the ⌥ button?

That doesn’t help so much as in that for that too you would need to remember to press the alt/option key before clicking the plus button. At least press and hold still allows you to “correct” after you already pressed the mouse down.

I’m happy with press and hold, now I know that’s the command! It’s really just remembering that I have templates set up.

For iPhone or iPad yes that is more logical but for macOS? Not sure exactly. I never saw press-and-hold interaction on a desktop. But macos /is/ rife with ⌥ click to see additional possibilities.

True, we’ll consider it, thanks for the feedback.

If you’re considering changing, a strong plea for the new command to be right click, or something that can be evoked from trackpad alone.

Not following, right-click is already supported.

My mistake.

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