Sharing, Import, Export, and Printing

If you ask your device to open one of the supported file types in Agenda it will import the notes (at the moment, Rich Text, Mark down, and the Agenda file format are supported)

I have many notes in the iOS app called Drafts. It can export into a CSV or JSON file. Is there a way I can import all my notes into Agenda?

Not easily no I’m afraid.

30 posts were merged into an existing topic: X-callback-url Support and Reference

These instructions are for importing on a Mac… How do I do it on iPad?

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On iOS the import process starts from the other end, the app that contains the data to import (e.g. Mail, Files, etc), tell it to export or open the file in Agenda and at that point Agenda will come to the front and ask you where to import it into (new project, existing project, etc).

Thought I would leave a comment for anybody else, I am using Bear, and if you use the little info icon in the upper right, you can then choose export options in the bottom of the right hand side bar that opens and choose mark down to share the particular note to Agenda from there.

A post was split to a new topic: Links do not work

Would proper create/update/retrieve/delete support for URL schemes be easier? It’d deal with a number of use cases.

One doesn’t exclude the other I’d say.

No, it doesn’t, but it just occurs to me that if you’ve got the basic URL scheme handing stuff in place and you have (obviously) all the DB manipulation stuff in place then it would be relatively easy to allow full access to Agenda notes through the URL scheme so that in the shorter term we’d be able to roll up Shortcuts or Alfred (or whatever) workflows to integrate things. You’ll need it anyway to allow integration with all the apps you can’t possibly support directly and are getting requests for.

Yes, definitely, expanding the url scheme options is probably indeed something to expect quicker, we’ll see what can be done.


I am wondering how to export several individual notes that are currently in a single Project in Agenda. I would like each note to remain individual upon export, so that I can import them into another application (for archiving and future reference), but so far all of my attempts to export are resulting in a single file that contains all the notes one after the other.

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I believe you would need to export each note separately. Each export produces a separate file.

Oh I hope that’s not the case. If it is the case, it’s going to make it rather onerous to archive projects (and their multiple notes) in another application like Devonthink or Keep It once those projects are complete.

You can export the whole project as a single file, but it is not designed to export each note separately.

Thank you for confirming this @drewmccormack. I can see how this would suit some scenarios. I’ll see if/how I can work with this.

Perhaps I’m missing something, but is it possible to import rich text files into Agenda?

If you want to keep the rich text, you have to add them as attachments. You can’t import the rich text so that it becomes rich text in agenda. Agenda does not support general rich text. It has a limited set of styles, like markdown and HTML have (eg Heading, Body text, List etc).

Kind regards,

Ah, yes, I’ve figured out the attachment trick, which looks good to me. Thanks for the reply.

Hello, I can’t seem to find the optioon to Export > HTML. I have bought the Premium Features.

Is this on Mac or iOS? On mac you find it under Edit > Copy As > HTML, on iOS you find it under the 3 dots for the selected item in the sidebar, again under Copy As.