Icons for inserted items

Would it be possible to have little icons to show at a glance whether a line inserted into an Agenda note is an email, a file, or whatever?


I’m not entirely sure I understand your request? Do you mean show a little icon in the gutter? Or in the header of the note? Have you tried the Inline representation of an attachment:


I guess you mean for links, rather than attachments, correct?

Yes, I was thinking of, for example, a coloured envelope icon to appear immediately to the left of a link to an email. Currently the link shows the subject line of the email, but that could also be a file name, so its not easy to quickly identify email links from other links.


I see. Yes, we have thought about tokenizing links like tags and people. Maybe in future!

OK. Thanks for listening. Really enjoying Agenda, and looking forward to the planned integration with Reminders and Contacts.
