How to use agenda as a regular daily to-do-list?

When I create a new project, there’re some plans including actions that can be performed everyday. The to-do-list I created now can only be assigned a particular date, like today, this week or this month. Then the next day, I need to copy the note again and again. I think it would be helpful if there’s a choice of the assigned dates as “every day in this month” or something, just like what the alarm clock does. Thank you!

Thanks for the feedback!

We do have some ideas about adding note templates in future. Maybe that will help a bit.

Autogenerating notes with dates, which seems to be what you are requesting, is probably a bit of a corner case. I think maybe you would be better to try using Shortcuts or x-callback-url for that, but they are for quite pro users.

We will keep it in mind. Thanks again!


Thank you for the very prompt reply. It’s amazing! Hope Agenda is better and better.

I have read the introduction of x-callback-url, and yes it’s a little confusing for me. I think I might not put it clear last time. What I want to say is that besides the other important projects, we sometimes have some personal plans like reading or exercising everyday, so I’d like to make it a checklist and hope it can appear on the calendar everyday automatically as a reminder. Here is an example. Hope it can help explain my request which I think is quite common.
Thanks again!

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I think if a note needs to be visible everyday, a calendar event is perhaps not the best approach. It will clutter up your calendar a lot.

One way you could do this is simply to use the yellow on-the-agenda dot, and the On the Agenda overview. An alternative would be to add a tag to notes you want to do daily (eg #daily), then search for that, and save the search as an overview.

Lastly, you may be able to do it with a calendar event that spans a range of dates. Select a whole range of dates for the event, making it an “all-day event”. Now if you look in the Today tab, your note will be there every day in the range you picked.

I just change the assigned date to the day after, or another needed date in the future.

I practically assign a date for every note that I do. Then, I let it go in the past if everything in that note is accomplished, or change the date to a future date if it is something that I need to do/know st a future date.

Edit: Turns out there’s a whole thread about the technique I describe below :slight_smile:

You can use any text substitution tool to accomplish this (macOS text substitution, Alfred snippets, TextExpander, etc). Here’s some instructions for macOS text substitution:

  1. Create a note that serves as your template note
  2. Select the text and “copy as markdown”
  3. Paste it into a text editor, and delete the blank lines (this is because Agenda exports markdown with empty lines between sections, but interprets them as their own sections when you paste it back in. So you have to delete the blank lines so you don’t end up with a bunch of empty space in your new note.)
  4. Open System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Text
  5. Insert a new replacement: e.g. Replace 'daily with <paste the edited markdown here>

That’s the setup. To create a new note with the template:

  1. Create a note
  2. Type your shortcut in. OS X will present a popup replacement:
  3. Click it, and MacOS will fill in the note
  4. Double-click the note title to collapse it, and then again to expand it (Agenda seems to render a bit weird after this replacement, so collapse and expand will pick up the changes)

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This is super helpful, @Pat_Maddox!

Thank you!