Can I join the Agenda Beta program?

Going to toss my name in the ring too and ask to be included in the iOS beta (iPhone and/or iPad) when it happens!

Love the app so far. Have been using Bear in a similar way, but using nested folders as a calendar vs. actually having things tied to dates.

Feature requests

  • GitHub Markdown formatting (maybe this already exists?)
  • Integration with Todoist
1 Like

Please include me on the iOS TestFlight, thanks

I’d love to be in the testflight group.

I would like to be in the iOS Testflight program as well.

Reply to trigger future notification about iPad version TestFlight.

Nothing else to see here…

Please add me to the TestFlight!

count me in for TestFlight of Beta testing for iPad

I’d like to test, too!

+1 for testflight beta for iOS Agenda

+1 for a testflight program!

+1 for testflight beta!

@mekentosj +1 for Test Flight beta. Thanks!

+1 for testflight beta (iPhone and iPad if separate)

Please add me to the TestFlight programme

Please let me in the notification list of testflight.

I’d be very interested in taking part in the iOS testing please.

Please add me to the TestFlight list.



I’d like to participate in the beta, please.

+1 for the TestFlight beta pilot

+1 for beta.

if (iOS) {
greeting = “I Love you";