Exclude Notes marked complete from search

I would like to be able to exclude notes marked complete from search results an any overview.

Is this possible?

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Not possible at the moment but we’d like to add more search options in the future.


My thoughts for how this might be implemented:

The existing ‘on the Agenda’ icon next to the search box could expand when selected to three icons: on agenda, off agenda, and complete.

Should be possible to then select any combination. Possibly with a default of all three options selected to avoid empty search results.


I was just looking for that feature in the app, and found it does not exist. I’ve used Agenda for the past six months, and while I love the app and searching old notes, I have about 30 things on the agenda right now in one project, 100 completed tasks and 40 tasks that are neither completed not on the agenda,

I want to able to display only the thing "not on the agenda AND “not completed” so I can review all the tasks that I did not seem pressing at the time to check if I want to add them to the agenda now.

Also, and options to exclude completed tasks from projects is needed.

And the option to limit searches to more than 1 project.

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Also, and options to exclude completed tasks from projects is needed.
